Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Housing and environmental issues Essay

Community development officer: CDOs should have: †¢ the ability to communicate with a wide range of people †¢ the ability to manage a budget †¢ sensitivity in dealing with multi-cultural issues, such as religion †¢ networking skills and a good memory for names and faces †¢ the ability to work on their own initiative †¢ Commitment to social inclusion issues. CDOs may work for a local authority; he must also involve public decision in multi cultural communities housed by the associations. Public involvement in regeneration is widely held to be a good thing. There are very few who write about or comment on regeneration, however it is defined who do not claim that public involvement is an important if not essential component of effective and successful regeneration. And to a great extent this has been the position in the UK and elsewhere for well over a century. However, there are very few studies that have set out to measure and to analyse the impact of public involvement. In other words, few researchers have attempted to see what difference it makes in practice to involve the public and whether any such differences are positive, in the sense of being both anticipated and desired. There are, nevertheless, many studies that shed some light on the processes of public involvement and draw conclusions about its impact in specific cases. The conclusion of many of these studies is that public involvement did not work very well in practice: it was embarked upon too late; insufficient resources were provided to make it effective; the local environment was not very conducive; and key decisions continued to be taken by people not living in the areas affected. The importance of involving the public in attempts to improve and regenerate neighbourhoods has been recognised for many years. However, the consensus around the value and potential benefits of greater public involvement has probably never been stronger, not least because government has put it at the centre of its plans to modernise both the delivery of public services and the very processes of government. A simple theory of public participation The political imperatives driving forward the agenda of public participation are well established, but three stand out at present. First is the belief that participation is intrinsically good and worthwhile, and hence more participation is desirable. Second is the growing acknowledgement that many major policy issues do not appear to be capable of obvious resolution – they can be termed ‘wicked problems’ for this reason (Rittel and Weber, 1973). An obvious consequence of this recognition is to take a more open approach to their resolution, in other words to allow a wider range of partners into the arena of policy debate and hence to share the burden of resolution. Finally, there is a clear belief that greater participation is needed to stem if not reverse the apparent decline in social capital charted by Putnam (2001) and his followers (see DeFilipis, 2001). A slightly broader set of factors can be derived from the wider academic literature where at least four distinct explanations of or justification for greater public participation in government generally are apparent. Instrumentalist conceptions point to the fact that individuals are the best judges of their own interests and hence by participating in policy debates and political discussions they are best able to articulate and advance these interests. The job of government then lies in the aggregation of individual interests and the balancing of conflicting positions into a plausible public interest. Communitarian conceptions take a different approach and advocate a more collective or social approach among the participating public, such that a negotiated view of the public interest is provided to rather than by government. Of course government may then have to perform further rounds of aggregation or even facilitate further rounds of negotiation or consensus building, but the public plays a more prominent part in the social construction of their own idea of public interest. In this conception there is some degree of aggregation but government is still left to aggregate, adjudicate or reconcile the possibly conflicting views of different communities or even coalitions of communities. Educative approaches suggest that public participation helps in developing a more sophisticated understanding of the complexities of policy issues; of the ethical dilemmas and the need to make trade-offs for example between price and quality or between the achievement of short and long term priorities. Finally, expressive conceptions of participation emphasise the opportunity that political participation gives individuals to express their political identity. Through active campaigning, displaying posters, attending rallies, donating money or time, one is able to demonstrate to the world at large that fact that one is a feminist, a socialist, a conservative, a nationalist and so on. It is of course important also to bear in mind that political participation can involve much more than voting in periodic elections, or even campaigning in them. Attending meetings about issues of local or international concern and taking part in participatory events such as juries, consensus conferences or citizens juries are also important as is participation in ongoing campaigns or lobbies, again from local (save our school) to global (save our planet) issues. There is something of a paradox here, in that there is plentiful data available on formal political involvement in voting, but relatively little available on the more prosaic but nevertheless significant everyday acts of involvement, such as going to meetings or simply engaging socially and maybe politically with ones neighbours (Hoggett and Bishop, 1986). In recent years some regular and extensive surveys have begun to provide valuable data of this type, but it is still the case that many sophisticated models of community engagement, civic renewal and social capital, have been constructed on flimsy empirical foundations (Prime, Zimmeck & Zurawa, 2002). But to develop a simple model of participation we need to consider in some more detail questions along each of the three main dimensions implied in the expression: public participation in planning or policy making. Robert D. Putnam That Western society has changed dramatically since the middle of the 20th century. There is less agreement about what caused the changes, and whether they have been beneficial. One barometer of change in Western society is the level of ‘social capital’ (a concept popularised by Robert D. Putnam), which results from high levels of investment by citizens in their community. Putnam’s investigation of American society, Bowling Alone (2000), considers the full range of changes affecting America (and all western societies): declining participation in institutional Christianity; less involvement in sport and recreational clubs, politics, charitable causes, and volunteer work; and a radical re-shaping of the family though divorce, a lower birth rate, and a disinclination to marry at all. These trends, Putnam argues, result in diminished social capital. Putnam’s analysis of America holds for the three Anglophone members of George W. Bush’s ‘coalition of the willing,’ America, Britain and Australia, and may explain why hawkish, right-wing governments are the people’s choice at the start of the 21st century, despite an unprecedented liberality and inclusiveness throughout the second half of the 20th century. Putnam notes a range of factors responsible for civic disengagement: suburban sprawl; the popularity of television and electronic media; changed work patterns, including the large-scale entry of women into the workforce; and generational changes resulting in the ‘replacement of an unusually civic generation by several generations [Baby Boomers, Generations X and Y] †¦ that are less embedded in community life’ (p. 275). In the United States, where voting is optional, these developments dilute democracy, and societies with low participation rates tend to become distrustful. Untrusting citizens call for tougher; ‘law and order’ focused governments, resulting in the election of increasingly right-wing political parties. Social capital: 1. Definition The concept and theory of social capital dates back to the origins of social science; however, recent scholarship has focused on social capital as a subject of social organization and a potential source of value that can be harnessed and converted for strategic and gainful purposes. According to Robert David Putnam, the central premise of social capital is that social networks have value. Social capital refers to the collective value of all â€Å"social networks† and the inclinations that arise from these networks to do things for each other. Social capital refers to the institutions, relationships, and norms that shape the quality and quantity of a society’s social interactions. Increasing evidence shows that social cohesion is critical for societies to prosper economically and for development to be sustainable. Social capital is not just the sum of the institutions that underpin a society; it is the glue that holds them together However, social capital may not always be beneficial. Horizontal networks of individual citizens and groups that enhance community productivity and cohesion are said to be positive social capital assets whereas self-serving exclusive gangs and hierarchical patronage systems that operate at cross purposes to communitarian interests can be thought of as negative social capital burdens on society. 2. History of the research on the concept Robert David Putnam, if not the first one to write on the issue, is considered as the major author on the concept of social capital. He is a U. S. political scientist and professor at Harvard University, and is well-known for his writings on civic engagement and civil society along with social capital. However, his work is concentrated on the United States only. His most famous (and controversial) work, Bowling Alone, argues that the United States has undergone an unprecedented collapse in civic, social, associational, and political life (social capital) since the 1960s, with serious negative consequences. Though he measured this decline in data of many varieties, his most striking point was that virtually every traditional civic, social, and fraternal organization had undergone a massive decline in membership. From his research, a working group has formed at Harvard University and is called Saguaro Seminar. Most definitions around the social capital concept, notably those used by the World Bank, come from Putnam’s work and this research. 3. Measuring social capital The Saguaro Seminar, in the continuation of Putnam’s work, has been elaborating various means to measure the level of social capital in different contexts. It says on its website that measurement of social capital is important for the three following reasons: (a) Measurement helps make the concept of social capital more tangible for people who find social capital difficult or abstract; (b) It increases our investment in social capital: in a performance-driven era, social capital will be relegated to second-tier status in the allocation of resources, unless organizations can show that their community-building efforts are showing results; and (c) Measurement helps funders and community organizations build more social capital. Everything that involves any human interaction can be asserted to create social capital, but the real question is does it build a significant amount of social capital, and if so, how much? Is a specific part of an organization’s effort worth continuing or should it be scrapped and revamped? Do mentoring programs, playgrounds, or sponsoring block parties lead more typically to greater social capital creation? Measuring social capital: Towards a theoretically informed measurement framework for researching social capital in family and community life. by Wendy Stone. Research paper no. 24, Australian Institute of Family Studies, 2001, 38p, ISBN 0 642 39486 5 To inform the Institute’s Families, Social Capital and Citizenship project, this paper contributes to the development of clear links between theorised and empirical understandings of social capital by: establishing a theoretically informed measurement framework for empirical investigation of social capital; and reviewing existing measures of social capital in light of this framework. The paper concludes with a statement of guiding principles for the measurement and empirical investigation of social capital in family and community life. Social Capital as Credit Social capital, or aggregate reputation, is a form of credit. Some formal transactions can be supported by social capital. Informal transactions are rarely underpinned by financial credit or legal agreement and instead rely entirely social capital. We all have our internal calculators keeping tacit track of who is doing wrong and who is doing right, the health of the relationships and adjusting our actuarial tables according to experience. While undertaking government activities environment problems should also be considered. As it has became a global issue we need to take care of everything. Globalisation and cultural identity It is fair to say that the impact of globalization in the cultural sphere has, most generally, been viewed in a pessimistic light. Typically, it has been associated with the destruction of cultural identities, victims of the accelerating encroachment of a homogenized, westernized, consumer culture. This view, the constituency for which extends from (some) academics to anti-globalization activists (Shepard and Hayduk 2002), tends to interpret globalization as a seamless extension of – indeed, as a euphemism for – western cultural imperialism. In this discussion which follows we approach this claim with a good deal of skepticism. we will not seek to deny the obvious power of globalized capitalism to distribute and promote its cultural goods in every corner. Nor will we take up the argument – now very commonly made by critics of the cultural imperialism thesis (Lull 2000; Thompson 1995; Tomlinson 1991) that a deeper cultural impact cannot be easily inferred from the presence of such goods. What we will try to argue is something more specific: that cultural identity, properly understood, is much more the product of globalization than its victim. Identity as Treasure To begin, let us sketch the implicit (for it is usually implicit) reasoning behind the assumption that globalization destroys identities. Once upon a time, before the era of globalization, there existed local, autonomous, distinct and well-defined, robust and culturally sustaining connections between geographical place and cultural experience. These connections constituted one’s – and one’s community’s – ‘cultural identity’. This identity was something people simply ‘had’ as an undisturbed existential possession, an inheritance, a benefit of traditional long dwelling, of continuity with the past. Identity, then, like language, was not just a description of cultural belonging; it was a sort of collective treasure of local communities. But it was also discovered to be something fragile that needed protecting and preserving that could be lost. Into this world of manifold, discrete, but to various degrees vulnerable, cultural identities there suddenly burst (apparently around the middle of the 1980s) the corrosive power of globalization. Globalization, so the story goes, has swept like a flood tide through the world’s diverse cultures, destroying stable localities, displacing peoples, bringing a market-driven, ‘branded’ homogenization of cultural experience, thus obliterating the differences between locality-defined cultures which had constituted our identities. Though globalization has been judged as involving a general process of loss of cultural diversity, some of course did better, some worse out of this process. Identity as Cultural Power Let us begin with identity, a concept which surely lies at the heart of our contemporary cultural imagination. It is not, in fact, difficult in the prolific literature of analysis of the concept to find positions which contest the story of identity as the victim of globalization. Identity and Institutional Modernity This brings the central claim that globalization actually proliferates rather than destroys identities. In this respect we depart somewhat from Castells’s position: in setting identity as a sort of autonomous cultural dynamic, surging up from the grassroots as an oppositional force to globalization, Castells really fails to see the rather compelling inner logic between the globalization process and the institutionalized construction of identities. This, in other way, lies in the nature of the institutions of modernity that globalization distributes. To put the matter simply: globalization is really the globalization of modernity, and modernity is the harbinger of identity. It is a common assumption that identity-formation is a universal feature of human experience. Castells seems implicitly to take this view when he writes: ‘Identity is people’s source of meaning and experience’ (1997: 6). But whilst it is true that the construction of meaning via cultural practices is a human universal, it does not follow that this invariably takes the form of identity construction as we currently understand it in the global-modern West. This form of ethnocentric assumption has been recently criticized both by anthropologists and media and cultural critics. Globalization and Modernity To appreciate this, it is necessary to take a more complex view of the globalization process than is often adopted – certainly in the polemical discourses of the anti-globalization movement, where globalization is essentially understood as the globalization of capitalism, achieved in its cultural aspect via a complicate western dominated media system. This more complex, multidimensional conceptualization, which views globalization as operating simultaneously and interrelated in the economic, technological-communicational, political and cultural spheres of human life, is in fact relatively un-contentious – at least in principle – within academic discourses. But the cultural implication, rather less easily swallowed by some, is that globalization involves not the simple enforced distribution of a particular western (say, liberal, secular, possessive-individualist, capitalist-consumerist) lifestyle, but a more complicated dissemination of the entire range of institutional features of cultural modernity. References Putnam, R (2001) Bowling Alone: the collapse and revival of American community, Touchstone, London Tomlinson, J (1999) Globalisation and culture, Policy Press, Cambridge Social capital: http://www. jrc. es/home/report/english/articles/vol85/ICT4E856. htm http://www. envplan. com/ http://www. infed. org/thinkers/putnam. htm http://www. naturaledgeproject. net/NAON_ch11. aspx

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Ideologies in legally blonde Essay

Legally blonde is a film about Elle Woods a blonde sorority queen who is dumped by her boyfriend, she decides to follow him to law school to get him back and, once there, learns she has more legal savvy than she ever imagined and is thrown into solving a case in which she will make lots of friends and maybe even some enemies. The first thing I notice is that a common ideology used throughout the film is stereotypical ideology the main way this is used is through Elle’s character who is the stereotypical dumb blonde who only cares about fashion, boys and money. This is used to show how much the character can change by exaggerating all the things that are stereotypical about her for example she loves pink but to the point where everything about her life is pink like her clothes, her room even what she dresses her dog in. Furthermore she is shown to live in Malibu which is believed to be where all the rich famous people live so people will just assume that this is her life style. Another stereotypical ideology in the film is the way they represent lawyers and the law school they show them as being boring people who just wear suits and all come from wealthy backgrounds. Another ideology used throughout the film is patriarchal ideology which is the principal that the male is more superior. This is used when they talk about law school being mainly men or that when you watch different scenes the majority of the people are men. Furthermore they use this ideology in the scene when she first talks to Warner after they have both been excepted into Harvard, it is shown that he makes out to be more superior then Elle and doesn’t understand how a woman of her nature was able to get in. Even though this film is based around a female who takes on a role to achieve what she sets out to achieve it is still based around the idea that she is doing it all for the male and to impress a male so that she can become the typical wife figure and tries to show that the woman’s role of a house wife is just natural. A very important ideology represented in this film is feminist ideology obviously for the reason that this films soul point is to show that a girl can do anything a boy can do. The beginning of the film gives into the idea that women need men to complete them and thos e men have women completely in control shown being able to manipulate them any way they want. However as the film goes on she is seen becoming more independent and less reliant on the man as she takes the case into her own hands and uses her own knowledge  to crack the case. The end of the film sends a message that women can be successful without a man and are fully able to achieve whatever they want, even in the least likely circumstances. Furthermore the character of Paulette show that she is a strong independent woman when taking on her ex-husband to get her dog back, however say this she is then seen trying to impress a man throughout the film. The last ideology is hegemony this is focused on in 2 different ways in the film. Firstly when Elle is talking to her father about going to law school he describes them as being â€Å"boring, ugly people who are serious† this shows that he believes himself to be better than them as he has lots of money and doesn’t need to work hard for it. However the other way of showing hegemony is when Vivian is talking to Elle as if she was stupid and is very patronizing towards Elle because she believes that Elle is less smart than her and is not capable enough to be in law school and treats her like she is inferior. This is obviously proven wrong when Elle is able to succeed in class and even win a case for her university showing that she is just as important and capable as the other people at Harvard. In conclusion this film is showing both how a woman does not need a man to achieve tasks and that she can be independent but also that a lot of things women do are to impress guys so that they can live the life they deem as socially acceptable. Although this film is incredibly unrealistic it does show how different groups of people may not be that different at all that that you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover or stereotype people because they may surprise you in the end.

Black Betty by William Huddie Essay

In 1939 the Musicraft Recording Label released a record which included the track, â€Å"Black Betty† by William Huddie Leadbetter better known as â€Å"Lead Belly. † â€Å"Black Betty† had been said to be originated as far back as the 18th century or the early 1930’s. Lead Belly was the first one to ever commercially record it however, giving him most of the credit for the song. Lead Belly was an iconic American folk and blues musician, notable for his strong vocals, twelve-string guitar, and the songbook of folk standards he introduced. It was recorded acapella with just Lead Belly singing and clapping on the 4th beat in the 12 bar blues style song. The form is kind of AABCDEAA, where each verse begins and ends with â€Å"Whoa, Black Betty (Bam-Ba-Lam). † At the end of each line Lead Belly also repeats the phrase â€Å"Bam-Ba-Lam. † Although this song did gain some popularity in the early 1940’s because of Lead Belly, it really gained the world’s attention in 1977 when a band by the name of Ram Jam recorded it. Ram Jam was an east coast band formed in the mid 70’s. Its members consisted of Bill Bartlett (guitar), Howie Blauvelt (bass), Peter Charles (drums), Myke Scavone (lead vocals, guitar), and Jimmy Santoro (guitar). The song was released on their self-titled debut album Ram Jam in 1977. It reached the #7 position in the UK singles chart in September 1977. The single also reached #18 on the singles chart in the US. The album reached #34 in the Billboard Pop Albums chart in the US. Even though â€Å"Black Betty† shot Ram Jam to stardom overnight, it also brought along much controversy because of its lyrical meanings. Since this song has been said to have been originated back in the 18th century, the lyrics’ meaning has changed numerous amount of times. The origin and meaning of the lyrics are subject to debate. Some sources claim the song is derived from an 18th century marching cadence about a flint-lock rifle with a black head-stock; the â€Å"bam-ba-lam† lyric referring to the sound of the gunfire. Soldiers in the field were said to be â€Å"hugging Black Betty†. In this interpretation, the rifle was superseded by its â€Å"child†, a rifle known as a â€Å"Brown Bess†. Other sources claim the term was a contemporary reference for a prostitute, a prison bullwhip, heroin or the â€Å"paddywagon†. Lead Belly was said to have been incarcerated a number of times so the second meaning rather than the interpretation about the flint lock rifle seems more accurate in his case. A more in depth look at the lyrics could possibly say that the song is about a black woman who lives in Alabama by herself. She was young and made a couple wrong decisions like drinking, drugs, and having a one-night stand with somebody. This caused her to conceive a child that she wasn’t ready for. She wasn’t ready for the responsibilities of being a mother. Her child was out of control because of all the drinking and drugs she had done prior to having it. It was hard to be a single black woman and a mother in the south so the easiest thing she could do was to sell her body as a prostitute. The man in the song talks about how whenever he needs her she will be ready waiting for him. This is the kind of interpretation that gave Ram Jam much criticism and controversy. Members of the NAACP and other groups such as them were very angry saying the song degrades black women. Ram Jam just always said it’s not leaning towards race, it’s basically just having a good time with girl, whether a prostitute or not, and taking drugs such as speed which would go along with the line â€Å"She really gets me high. † Analyzing the musical aspect of the song is much easier than the lyrical because I is pretty straight forward. The poetic devices in this song are kind of repeating because the song isn’t that long. â€Å"Black Betty† has an AA, BB, CC rhyme scheme. The stanza is â€Å"whoa Black Betty (Bam-ba-Lam)† which is repeated 10x’s throughout the song (lines 1, 2, 8, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 23, & 24). The song is really just three verses so there is a lot of pure instrumental with miniature solos by all the instruments. The instruments used were, 3 guitars, a bass, and drums. The drummer keeps the beat throughout the first 35 seconds of the song with the hi-hat cymbal by hitting on all four beats by itself for the first 10 seconds but for the rest of the 35 seconds the guitars and bass come in to play the bridge. The crash cymbal then comes in with guitars and bass stopping and lyrics are sung and the crash cymbal is hit on beats 2 and 4, the back beat, and the hi-hat now hits on beats 1 and 3. This back beat is used widely through rock, hard rock, and especially by all forms of metal. Although it was used efore this song came out, â€Å"Black Betty† definitely highlighted the use of the backbeat. During this first verse, and the other 2 verses also, it is just the drummer and the singer with the guitars and bass coming in and just playing between every 2nd and 3rd beat. Once the verse is over however the tempo speeds up and the showcase of guitars begins. Once the second verse begins, it goes back to the drums and singer but once this second verse ends, the tempo speeds to double time beginning with a drum solo into guitar solos for a solid 1:35. Once that 2:50 part hits the song takes a turn towards an easy groove feel with the tempo going back to the way it was in the beginning. At 3:05 however the tempos speeds up a little bit and plays the bridge that it had played before the first verse was sung. At 3:30, the third and final verse is sung just like the other two with the drummer playing that same crash cymbal on beats 2 and 4 and the hi-hat on 1 and 3. Once the third verse is done, they play about 10 seconds of an outro and the song is over. Although lyrically the song is pretty simple, I believe if you can perfect a simple song, it will make it great and with the guitar, bass, and drums that Ram Jam had put into this song to accompany the lyrics, it is a great song. You can obviously see that they were influenced by Lead Belly, but also by early rock bands such as Lynyrd Skynyrd, Eagles, Kansas, and ZZ Top because it’s that southern rock sound and feel that those bands made famous. Since Ram Jam released â€Å"Black Betty† it not only put their name on the map but also rocketed that song to tons of movies and TV shows. It will go down as one of the best rock songs of all time.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Curriculum and program review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Curriculum and program review - Essay Example Having in mind the general goals and objectives in the Associate Degree Nursing program at North Central State College, on completion of this program, the graduate (RN) should have developed skills needed to be able to assist individual participation in health promotion, maintenance and restoration throughout the lifespan. As a provider and manager of care and member of the discipline of nursing, a RN should be able to demonstrate critical thinking. Furthermore, a RN should integrate the knowledge acquired in the nursing process to meet the needs of individuals and of groups that have similar health problems in a variety of settings. Maybe the most important goals include the RNs being able to safely perform technical procedures using judgment based on the previously acquired knowledge of biopsychosocial principles. Moreover, since establishing therapeutic relationships with clients and families is an integral part of nursing care, this is also an important objective of this program. However, besides the relationships with clients, being a member of the health care team, a RN should also obtain cooperative relationships with co-workers and assume responsibility for their own progress and learning that is ongoing in this profession. Finally, a RN should incorporate knowledge of ethical and legal responsibilities and be aware of individual limitations in nursing practice. Goals and objectives of the Associate Degree Nursing Program are more or less the same in other colleges besides the North Central State College. However, there are some additional ones that are relevant and will be enlisted further in the text. â€Å"Upon completion of the Associate Degree Nursing Program, the graduate, recognizing humans as unique individuals of worth, will be able to in a â€Å"caring† manner: implement individualized nursing care according to the client’s cultural background; apply basic knowledge of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs; apply basic knowledge of Erikson’s Stage of Growth and Development; utilize principles of nutrition in health and disease; utilize principles of pharmacology, understand rationale, and administer medications safely; utilize teaching principles to provide education to client, community and family; recognize and comprehend all information regarding clients is confidential and students are held accountable for knowing Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations.† (Southeastern Illinois College) Furthermore, in Chaffey College, besides being able to nourish the client’s physical health, a nurse’s goal should also be to â€Å"Utilize the nursing process to provide care for the client and his family that recognizes threats to normal physiological, psychological, developmental, spiritual and sociocultural needs.† (Chaffey College) However, â€Å"To provide an environment that promotes tolerance for diverse cultures, beliefs and opinions† (Nursing St udent Handbook, 2010, p. 4) is a goal that hasn’t been listed in neither of these colleges, except the Goodwin College. Equality of all races when it comes to providing help related to health should be an imperative. Every client should receive equal amount of attention and have the right to be treated with care and respect. According to the Behrend College, â€Å"The associate degree in Nursing is a concentrated two-year program†¦ and after earning an associate degree students are eligible to take the national examination for licensure (NCLEX) as registered nurses.†

Sunday, July 28, 2019

How Families Deal with a Loved One Who Has Alzheimer's Research Paper

How Families Deal with a Loved One Who Has Alzheimer's - Research Paper Example Mild cognitive impairment is viewed as a form of forgetfulness attributed to ageing. While this disorder is a symptom of AD, it is not a must for people who suffer from mild cognitive impairment, to contract AD. Causes and Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease The well known risk factor of Alzheimer’s disease is old age, mostly when people hit the age of sixty years. It is not considered normal for aging people to suffer from the disease. It is also easier for one to have the disease if a close relative such as your sister or mother had suffered from the disease. One can also contract the disease if you happen to have certain genes that are linked with the disease. Other susceptible factors include suffering from blood pressure; however, this is yet to be proved. The disease is classified under two types which include the late and early onset Alzheimer’s disease. Late AD disease affects people who are at the age of 60 and above (â€Å"Coping with Alzheimer's disease,â₠¬  n.d.). The early onset of Alzheimer's disease is known to affect people before they attain the age of sixty. This type of disease has a fast rate of getting worse. The role of genes in this type of disease has already been established, that is why it is prevalent among family members. The common symptoms of the disease are associated with the functioning of the brain. One of the symptoms of this disease includes the individual’s inability to communicate properly. The patient will forget how to read or write or even talk. They also are emotional, increasingly aggressive and paranoid. This is as a result of increased memory loss. When the disease has progressed, Alzheimer's patients require assistance in almost all tasks which include bathing and dressing. They will often forget their relatives’ names and forget events that take place. Their judgments and thinking capacity reduce to a substantial level and they will not realize that they are in danger when something arises (Alzheimer's Disease & Dementia Alzheimer's Association, n.d.). It reaches a point where the patient has to be taken care of all the time to ensure their safety. Recognizing early symptoms of the disease will ensure that the situation does not get out of hand. It is important for family members to recognize some attributes that could indicate onset of the disease. Symptoms such as loss of interest in activities that one was recently interested in is the first sign a family can identify (Brijnath, 2011). Forgetting one’s history can also be an early symptom of the disease. They will also execute tasks that require thinking for longer periods of time. When the family recognizes these symptoms, the patient should undergo a series of test to determine if they are suffering from AD (Sell, 2008). The tests will include a complete physical checkup with a mental examination. Family members of the affected person should ensure that the doctors check for brain tumor, severe depr ession, chronic infection or thyroid disease. An AD diagnosis is made when certain symptoms are present and other causes of dementia named above are not present. Taking care of the patient who suffers from the disease can be challenging (James, 2008). This is especially to the family members of the patient. It is important to ensure their safety and wellbeing and how to care for the patients will be discussed in the subsequent paragraphs of this paper.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Modern Science Fiction Films Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Modern Science Fiction Films - Term Paper Example In modern science fiction films, man's power to control his environment has increased, especially through the applications of science, fiction moves from the heroic dimension to concern itself with the relationship between man and the power that is man's most important creation. Science fiction is the literature that takes technology seriously. It must deal with the relationship of man to his creation and with the combined power and responsibility that ensues. In Fritz Lang (1927) Metropolis, Joh Fredersen serves as an instructive paradigm: Joh Fredersen not only arrogates to himself the role of creator, but also botches his responsibility towards his creation, paying an enormous personal price for his hubris. From its generic inception, so has been a literature questioning man's ability to use effectively the power he is so capable of creating (Gibson 1986). Very often this power is symbolized by some terrible weapon of destruction. If people are to change our sociopolitical behavio r, they need to know the assumptions it rests upon, not what we "believe" to be true but what we actually do when we are not looking. Then, since the one thing that humans cannot do is not assume, we need to devise new assumptions to live by. As we have encoded the current assumptions in fiction, so we need to encode the new ones, to try them out as thought experiments, to make them "real" in our imagination, and then to adopt or reject them. This is not a call for "uplifting" or "moral" fiction, for self-conscious myth-making, but for creative exploration of new possibilities in human relations. Following Robertson (2000),Science fiction's tendency to fetishise technology, particularly military technology, and its reliance on stock types of character and plot that are often flat and caricaturing, surely limits its engagement with any meaningful comprehension of the marginal, of Otherness (p. 29).Science fiction films show that if the invention is a weapon, the threat must come from an enemy, and a superweapon requires a super enemy. Human "progress" comes from a combination of scientific curiosity and hard work; it can be measured by technology.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Wintz Lawn Service, Inc Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Wintz Lawn Service, Inc - Term Paper Example depr. (100) Retained earnings 2,500 200 Total stockholders’ equity 2,900 Total assets $3,200 Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity $3,200 3) Yes, Kathy Wintz’ summer work was mostly successful. She was able to make lots of sales and her expenses were only a little over half her revenue, which means that she made quite a substantial net profit. Wintz’ biggest expense was salaries, but even then this was only one-third of the net income. Other expenses, such as rent, supplies, and repair expenses, only cost a small portion of the total expenses. For the Retained Earnings Statement, Wintz was able to make back more than double her initial investment. For a business that was only open for four months, this is very impressive. Wintz also paid out some dividends to shareholders, but there was still enough retained earnings left at the end of August that Wintz could return to college feeling satisfied with her summer’s work. For the balance sheets, th e assets column looks very healthy. Added to this is the fact that there are very few liabilities, which means that the business does not have any worries.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Thematic element Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Thematic element - Essay Example The monster was not happy with Victor because he was lonely and people always shied away from him. This is when it embarks on a revenge mission to ensure that Victor was also as lonely as it was. He does this by killing all the people that were close to Victor and even threatens to kill Victor himself unless he made him a beautiful lady monster for it to marry. Victor is afraid and decides to make a lady monster but the thought of the harm they would do once they are together, makes him destroy her. The big monster is not happy with this act and threatens Victor that he will visit him on his wedding night. On that fateful night, the monster did as he had promised and kills the bride, Elizabeth. On hearing this news, Victor’s father died out of shock and it is here where Victor decides that he will also destroy the big monster to revenge for his dead relatives and friends. Victor though dies before he could do this but the monster assures the people that he was alone and that h e was guilty of what he had done and that he will also kill himself so as to come to terms with what he had done. â€Å"Beloved† by Toni Morrison is also a thrilling story about a mother who had three children but was held in slavery. The master at the plantation was so stressing and always wanted to take the children from Sethe, the mother. Sethe was not happy and decided that instead of giving her children out; she would rather kill them and take them to a place where they will be â€Å"safe†. In the process, only the first born daughter dies and she is buried on a grave that was only labeled on its plague â€Å"beloved†. After a long time, the family returns home from a journey to find a beautiful woman seated in the front of their house and identified her to them as beloved. Sethe realized that this could be her dead daughter, who had come back to life and out of guilt, pampered her with so much

Tax Treaty Comparison Between the United States and India Essay

Tax Treaty Comparison Between the United States and India - Essay Example Due to phenomenal growth in international growth in international trade and commerce and increasing interactivity among the nations, residents of one country extend their sphere of business operations to other countries where income is earned. It is in the interest of all the countries to ensure that undue tax burden is not cast on persons earning income by taxing them twice, once in the country of residence and again in the country where the income is earned. Double taxation can be defined as the levy of taxes on income / capital in the hands of the same tax payer in more than one country in respect of the same income or capital for the same period. The problem gets complicated since taxation schemes of different countries contain divergent notions regarding definition of income as source. The position becomes anomalous in a situation where an assessee residing in one country earns income in another country, and the tax rates in both the countries are higher than 50%. If taxed at both places on the same income the assessee will be left with a negative income. This is bound to affect the economic growth. To avoid such a hardship to individuals and also with a view to seeing that national economic growth does not suffer, Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements (D.T.A.A.) are entered into with other countries. Such tax treaties, therefore, serve the purpose of providing full protection to tax payers against double taxation and thus prevent the discouragement which double taxation may provide in the free flow of international trade and international investment. Besides, such treaties generally contain provisions for mutual exchange of information and for reducing litigation. Coming to specific provisions contained in the Indian Income-tax Act, such tax treaties are made under the provisions contained in Section 90 of the Income-tax Act which enables the Central Government to enter into treaties to avoid double taxation. Govt. of India has entered into DTA agreement with several countries, some of the main countries are Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, China, Germany, Japan, Malaysia, Mauritius, Nepal, Singapore, Sri Lanka, UAE, UAR, UK, USA, USSR etc. Government of United States of America and Government of Republic of India entered into an agreement on Double Tax Avoidance Agreement, which was signed in New Delhi on 12 September 1989. The Convention would be the first tax treaty between the United States and India. In general, it follows the pattern of the United States model tax convention but differs in a number of respects to reflect India's status as a developing country. According to Article 1 of the Convention, it shall apply to persons who are residents of United States of America or India. However in Article 4 (Residence), it is clarified that the person is said to be the resident of the particular Contracting State, if that person in under law of that Contracting State and thereby liable to tax by reason of his domicile or similar other criteria, subject to certain limitations as described in Article 4. Under the Convention the income of the permanent establishment is taxable, and both the profit and loss of the other two businesses are ignored. Under the Code, all three would be taxable. The loss would be offset against the profits of the two profitable ventures. The taxpayer may not invoke the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Riordan Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Riordan Company - Essay Example For example, faster transportation helps the supply chain to be more responsive while the same time reduces the efficiency within the supply chain. Therefore, transportation has a great impact as it controls the speed of response. The modes of transportation that are available within the organization include air transport which makes it easier for the organization in that being a global company the materials needs to get to their suppliers within the stipulated time. Secondly, transport, by sea is also another option for the organization in case the goods are not urgently needed (Shah, 2009). Transport by road can also be effective in case the goods are being transported within the country of manufacture or production. Transportation influences the supply chain in the sense that in case the goods are not transported within the right time then it means that some other orders will have to be delayed in order to get the others moving. For that reason, it is always important for the organizations to have the right mode of transportation to ensure that the supply chain is not affected

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The US Airline Industry in 2004 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The US Airline Industry in 2004 - Essay Example Intestate routes were being admitted and were dispersed to some twenty three airline companies. Also, a promulgated establishment of guidelines of priorities and inter-firm agreements was created. (Anon., n.d.) Pre-Deregulation Era In the succeeding years, an industrial ordeal took place as cost increases on the fares were implemented causing an ossification to the structure of the airline industry. As a result, manifold airlines were not approved to conduct operations between the year 1937 and 1978. Nevertheless, the so-called â€Å"new entrants† have set up themselves as carriers in the local geographical areas in the form of intra-state routes. Due to some oil shocks in the 1970s, an accelerated increase on the ticket prices brought hysterics towards the consumers. The Civil Aeronautics Board decided to impose large increments on fares and a four year frozen activities on some newly acquired routes and delimitation on the capacity of routes. In addition, developing argument s regarding economic liberalism has caused less neither government regulation nor intervention on market practices, and in this case, the US Airline Industry. ... Business Strategies The Hub-and-Spoke System As a matter of discussion and recollection, several changes have been made following the advent of the deregulation in 1978. The hub and spoke system was adapted which has both allowed more efficiency by traveller concentration and facility improvements and maintenance. The Hub and Spoke system is a specialized operation that would limit flights of large carriers to small ports; instead, larger airlines coordinate with smaller airlines to take the flight franchise on smaller airports and smaller towns and cities. Because of this, the erection of international airports has been limited overwhelmingly where in the case of the US, the only international airport that was added is the one in Denver since the deregulation era. The Direct Foreign Investment (FDI) According to (Izquierdo, Ribes and Rodriguez, 2010), in tradition, the theories relating to the internationalization of firms have been based on the behavior of manufacturing industries. However, there has been a marked shift towards the tertiarization of the economy on a global scale and direct foreign investment (FDI) in the service industries amounts to 50 – 60% of all FDI and the share is forecasted to rise further. Internationalisation, Mergers and Acquisitions Most of the world’s airlines, just like some of the US airlines, export their services to other countries. American, Southwest and Delta airways are involving its operation in the international market. Some of these internationalization movements are done in a direct manner but most of the time US Airlines are cooperating with foreign airline companies in a forged agreement. Several major US Airlines merged with international airlines or even acquires some of them with motives of

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Renaissance Essay Example for Free

The Renaissance Essay The Renaissance can be considered as the golden age of the arts and of intellectual pursuits. Literally called as a ‘rebirth,’ the Renaissance was a period in Western civilization serving as a gateway to the modern age. By going back to the classical texts that were made from the heydays of the Greek and Roman Empire, this period allow this buried knowledge to be unearthed and expanded. It was basically focused on enriching and utilizing the capabilities of the human mind not just manifested in the academic or artistic growth but as well as to social change. One concept of that has been developed in this period was Humanism. This pertains to the aspect of human intellect as the developer of all things. Though there is the belief that God is the source of all creation, it is the human mind which cultivated and brought progression as well as maintaining world order. The active participation of using human intellect progressed into developing new ideals in the field of arts, politics, religion, and society. As Renaissance gradually spread throughout, the need for reformation intensified. As people were encouraged to think, to ask, and to examine everything to be able to use the capabilities of human mind, society started to demand change. Subsequently this desire for change led to many drastic developments which shaped the early stages of the modern era. Renaissance can be described as the period of upheavals of innovations. â€Å"What the renaissance achieved for the modern world was the liberation of the reason, the power of starting on a new career of progress† (Symond, 2006, p. 118). With the limitless possibilities that were offered the moment people went back for the hidden knowledge of classical antiquity, human intellect did not from discovering new horizons which paved the way for innovations which progressed further into the modern era. The Renaissance opened the doors for a huge intellectual exercise which eventually led to the most important progress of human history. The freedom to expand reasoning in all aspect of knowledge became a huge stepping stone for human and social development. Reference Symonds, J. A. (2006). Renaissance in Italy. London: BiblioBazaar. 1 page Apa 1 source In what ways is the Renaissance the `portal` to the modern age?

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Traveling to New York and Traveling to Florida: Compare and Contrast

Traveling to New York and Traveling to Florida: Compare and Contrast Traveling to New York and Traveling to Florida: Compare and Contrast Abstract Florida and New York are considered to be the most important state of United States, not only in terms of politics and Business, but also, due to tourism. These are the states that welcome millions of travelers annually and earn lot of revenue for the country. They have numerous thinks in common like both have the coastline along Atlantic Ocean; Both offer easy transport, economical hotels and cultural diversity. But, they also differ in aspects like like weather, geography, sightings and shopping places. The paper covers all major similarities and differences that a traveler might experience, while one might travel in these states. Table of Contents Abstract Introduction Body Wonders of Traveling Traveling in New York Traveling in Florida Comparison Cultural Diversity Transport Hotels Food Contrast Weather Geography Sightings and Attractions Shopping Conclusion Works Cited Traveling to New York and Traveling to Florida: Compare and Contrast Introduction World is full of beautiful places and we see around us, we realize that this world is not only the stunning place but the one worth experiencing and traveling. When we broaden our thinking and the experiences, we realize that even different parts of the same city are different. If we visit different places of the same city we realize that world has put before us, its wonders and marvels. People who have travel and love this agree to the fact that travel itself is the source of great success and pleasure. The joys of travel are beyond measure and beyond imagination, unless the one tries it. Every place has its distinct features and the distinct characteristic, so, every new place opens, before travelers, a new world and helps them to enjoy and experience those wonders. Even the place that was visited earlier helps to know and learn new things that the travel might have missed last time or developed and appeared in the time between two visits. America has proved itself to be the land o f dreams, opportunities, pleasures and attraction. It annually attracts million of travelers to its different states, from Americans themselves and also a large variety of foreigners. The open grounds from the people from all over the world have made America, a multi cultural, a multi religious and a multi ethnic country. Due to the common element in America, a thing that should be considered is the versatility in different states. This is the compare and contrast paper about traveling in New York and traveling in Florida and covers the details about what a person might experience there. Body Everyone as individual interests and there are people who love to travel and explore the world around them. For some people traveling might be the tyring business, but, the people who love traveling are aware of the joy and pleasure that iy might bring to the people and the experiences that they can have by visiting different places. Travelling is not only the recreational, but, also the educational one and offers a lot of benefits. Wonders of Traveling Irrespective of thee fact that a person visits a place for educational or the recreational purpose, it always bring positive addition and changes into the personality of the traveler. Some people may visit other places for business purpose, some for educational and some for the leisure, but all the factors contribute towards the personality and health of a person. It helps in improving interpersonal growth, improve information about places and related facts, increase adeptness and deftness and most importantly the most essential skills of life. The psychological impact of relaxation, leisure, satisfaction and motivation are developed in a person, when he takes time, out of the routine and indulges oneself into soothing and relaxing activities. Regarding the role of traveling in success and motivation, it is believed and experienced by a lot of travelers that when they visit new places they come to meet new people, see new things, visit new places and understand about the versatility and the change in perspective. Such activities help a person to see the same problem from a different angle and to provide perspective to life and profession. (Stone and Patrick) Within America, there are numerous places, which are worth visiting and help the people to develop new ideas, relax and roam around. Among all the states of America, Florida and New York are considered to be the most noticeable ones. Traveling in New York New York is one of the busiest cities of the world and hustle and bustle on its every road. The concept of American dream that has been developed years ago, seems true when one visits New York. It is a place that welcomes people from all parts of the world and introduces the developed and most stylish side of United States. America that is shown in movies i.e. place of nightclubs, hotels, architecture, cars and busy life seem true in this city. This is a city that remains awake 24 hours and provides facilities irrespective of the fact that people come out of their house at day or at night. It invites the people all over the world, who want to make their career in Hollywood and become face of the industry. It has wonders, within it, for tourists it is a paradise and they can observe and experience the America that is changing with a rapid pace and has skyscrapers all over. The economic and social growth of the country can be well observed in this city. (Chevron) Traveling in Florida Florida is another beautiful place in America and offers the pleasures of nature and sceneries. One can enjoy the beautiful sandy beaches and the memorable theme parks that make this different from any other place in United States. It is well known for the fact how housing field is developing in this area and even this place is known for the people who want to settle here for life time. it s the combination of busy world and the places that offer peace and quiet to the ones, who want to live at a quiet place. Florida is multicultural cities and has people from Caribbean, Latin American, Spanish and Cubans. Its gives the impression of world, within itself and represents different cultures and ethnic groups. Sunny weather invites the people that want to enjoy the beaches and the warm weather. Wilderness and the natural scenes are the special aspect of this place and are the most attractive factor for travelers (Veness and Veness). Comparison Although, New York and Florida apparently seem to be the different places, but, there are a lot of things in common and there are numerous facts they share. Some will be discussed here. Cultural Diversity It is a well known fact that America is a multi cultural country and is the one that not only respects, but also, celebrates various cultures of the world. New York is a metropolitan and people from not only different parts of America, but, of the world are settled here and are living and working in Harmony. Due to the presence of the Film Industry, people from different countries are also attracted here and work along with Americans. When a traveler leaves the airport he starts having the experience of the lifetime. The experience of cultural diversity starts from the people who land on this airport, taxi drivers belonging to different countries and the people working in the streets and shops. From corporate level to people on the streets, a traveler can see people of different origins, here (Chevron). Florida is considered as the land of the people majorly belonging from Latin America, but, a lot of Asians, people from Caribbean, Cubans, Caucasians and most of the Latin America hav e become the locals of this city. Cultural diversity is common in Florida and New York and in spite of less busier city than New York; traveler can see people from different backgrounds. One might think that m.ost of them are travelers, but, it is a surprising fact that people of different origins have settled here and made Florida a world in it (Campbell, Denniston and Karlin). Transport Most important thing that a traveler will enjoy in New York will be the ease with which he can travel from one place to another and how he can reach his destination, without any issues. The most common modes of communication that are available in New York include: commuter rails, buses, subways and taxis. When a traveler leaves airport or the bus stand he easily finds taxi from the airport or the stand and can reach his destination. It is a common scene in New York that in spite of being the busy city and the lots of traffic, some people also use bicycles to move from on place to another (Chevron). In Florida, intercity rail is the most common and easily available and easily reached transport. In addition to this, travelers can easily find yellow cabs that can take people at their destination. There is an excellent road system n the country and the busses available can take traveler to different parts of Florida easily, anywhere and anytime. (Campbell, Denniston and Karlin) Hotels Most amazing thing about New York is that it is the economic hub, busiest city, populace one and the one with millions of visitors, but, traveler can fig most luxurious to the cheapest hotels in this area. People who only want to roam about and experience New York can get most economical place and the ones who want to stay in luxury can find the five starts hotels also. There are around five hundred options of different hotels and inns are available in New York, which serve all types of people (Chevron). Abundance of hotels and restaurants, in Florida, are present due to the abundance of beaches here. Since traveler who come in Florida often visit beaches and countryside, so they prefer guest houses and tents and which are available. In the rural side, economical and most luxurious hotels are available. Varieties of hotels give the choice to the travelers and help then to choose a hotel within their budget (Veness and Veness). Food Food truck culture is becoming common in New York, which provides junk, traditional, Mexican, African, Thai and al, kinds of foods are available to the travelers at economical rate. Travelers who want to enjoy more sophisticated restaurants and experience the sophisticated food, and then they can also go to numerous restaurants and shops opened in all parts of New York (Chevron). A variety of food options are available all over Florida and the options vary with the population and the terrain. In rural sides, all types of food i.e. junk t the specialties of different cultures are available. Since, Florida has a large beach, so, seafood is really common in this area and variety of seafood increase at the restaurants and hotels near the beaches. Traditional food of America is available everywhere, but, the people of different nationalities have opened restaurants and the abundance of food trucks helps in increasing the options available. (Campbell, Denniston and Karlin). Contrast Being different part of same country, New York and Florida have lot of commonalities, but, they also have numerous differences that make then different from one another and encourage the traveler to visit both states. Weather Weather of New York and Florida is totally different from one another. In New York there different seasons, along with summer and winter people also experience spring an autumn. The winters of New York are very cold and the temperature drops to as low as -2 degree centigrade. Heavy snow fall is common in New York and the hurricanes are common in this area (Chevron). In comparison to New York, in Florida, it is either really hot or warm. Winters in this area is not very chilly, the beaches make the temperature normal even in the winter. Southern Florida remains warm even in the winter, but, in northern Florida, temperature may fall to the freezing point and can create difficulties for the locals and visitors (Veness and Veness). Geography New York is Atlantic Ocean and the Hudson River, people even use fairies for the leisure purpose, although, its coast line is really small, as comparison to Florida. But, the main cities of New York have developed and there are skyscrapers all over the place. There is varied geography of New York, having plains, mountains, river, lakes and all other natural treasures, but, it is well known for its urban side. There are natural sights, but, the urban world of New York is more popular among the travelers (Chevron). Florida is actually situated on a peninsula made by Atlantic Ocean and the Mexican Gulf. The coastline of Florida is really large and spreads to 13,476 Km in NOAA system. Beaches are the main attraction in these areas and due to such a large coastline, and being at the sea level, the state is generally plain and offers numerous beaches for the travelers (Campbell, Denniston and Karlin). Sightings and Attractions In terms of attractions and sightings, New York is one of a kind. Statue of Liberty is considered the most important place that every traveler, in the New York, wants to visit. Metropolitan Museum of Art is another important attraction of the city. Museum of Modern Art, Empire State Building, Times Square, Museum of Natural history, botanical garden and China town are the most popular and most visited places by the traveler. The urban world of New York is really attractive and invites travel to explore its wonders. Most of the places that people love to visit in New York are manmade. In comparison to other places, New York is considered to be the place Museums, art galleries and gardens and offers the combination of old and new world (Chevron). Florida is known for its theme parks and among them; Disney World is considered to be the main attraction. It spreads on 47 miles and has restaurants, themed hotels mater parks, shops and gold course and attracts the people all over the world, it is not only the most favorite place for children, but also for the adult travelers. Universal Orlando made by the universal Studio, Sea world, LegoLand, Kennedy Space Centre and most importantly its beaches are the most visited places. The natural scenes and the sights in Florida are more famous among the travelers and this provides the combination of manmade and the natural sights like John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park and Everglades that a traveler wants to pay a must visit. This feature has made Florida more attractive place form travelers with different preferences and different likings (Veness and Veness). Shopping Both are really big states and the shopping place that are available here are incredible. If analysis of New York’s markets and the shopping complex is done, then because of being the urban area, numerous brands can be found at a single road or street and even in the same shopping complex. There are very expensive shopping malls to the ones that offer the most economical things and the ones with discounts. The most important attribute that these malls and shopping centers offer is that they work 24 hours a day and make it really easy for everyone to shop in accordance with their preferences. The most popular market among the travelers is China town, which attracts people of all ethnicities (Chevron). Shopping Malls in Florida are also incredible like those in New York, but, the versatility is far less here. Another thing that differentiates the markets of Florida from New York’s is that most of the malls close by 11pm. The shops do not remain open round the clock and th e variety of traditional and all the ethnicities cannot be found at a single place. (Campbell, Denniston and Karlin) Conclusion New York and Florida are the beautiful states of America and are the true representatives of American culture, history and the diversity. They workers and travelers from all over the world and the people here facilitate and accommodate them among themselves. Diversity is the most beautiful feature of these states and this ensures that America is actually the land of dreams. It offers all the facilities that a traveler wisher for like easy transportation, economical hotels and the variety of food. Apart from these features they are also different in a lot of aspects. New York is known and celebrated for its urban sides, museums and galleries, whereas Florida is known for its theme parks and beaches. Difference in weather and geography make it worth visiting even from the Americans, belonging to different states. In spite of the similarities and differences in these states, these are the places that should be visited by everyone and should be on the list of travel lover. Works Cited Campbell, Jeff, et al. Lonely Planet Florida. Melbourne, Australia: Lonely Planet, 2014. Chevron, Doris. MARCO POLO Travel Guide New York. Ostfildern, Germany: MAIRDUMONT GmbH Co. , 2014. Stone, Matthew J. and James F. Patrick. The Educational Benefits of Travel Experiences: Literature Review. Journal of Travel Research, 52(6) (2013): 731-744. Veness, Simon and Susan Veness. The Telegraph Travel. 2012. Telegraph. 29 June 2015>.

Spelen De spelontwikkeling

Spelen De spelontwikkeling De spelontwikkeling De spelontwikkeling is belangrijk bij de ontwikkeling van de kleuter. Spelen is het onderzoeken en ontdekken, het leren kennen van de wereld op een manier die het kind zelf kiest. Het bepaalt wat het wil doen en hoe. Het kind met een normale ontwikkeling kan materiaal manipuleren, een betekenis geven eraan, een fantasiespel beleven, Waarom en hoe? Onder dit hoofdstuk wil ik graag beschrijven waarom spelen zo belangrijk is en hoe het spelen dan wel verloopt bij kleuters. Er is ook steeds een stukje voorzien dat het spelen bij kleuters met autisme beschrijft en de problemen hierbij. Mogelijke oplossingen komen aan bod in het praktijkgedeelte. Tijdens het spel leert het kind zichzelf, materiaal en de omgeving kennen. Spelen helpt het kind verder evolueren op verschillende vlakken. Door spelen wordt de cognitie van het kind gestimuleerd. Dit wil ik graag even toelichten vanuit enkele voorbeelden. Als we nu vb. winkeltje spelen nader bekijken, zien we dat kinderen voortdurend bezig zijn met het nabootsen van situaties uit het dagelijks leven van volwassenen. Ze leren het materiaal kennen in hun winkel en worden gestimuleerd in hun taalontwikkeling. Ze geven namen aan de voorwerpen uit de winkel en hun denken wordt steeds complexer. Zo weet het kind op den duur dat wanneer je iets koopt dat je daarvoor geld moet in de plaats geven. Nog later wordt er zelfs een bepaalde hoeveelheid aan een voorwerp toegekend. Een ander voorbeeld is moedertje spelen. Het kind leert waarvoor voorwerpen dienen zoals een fopspeen, papfles, luier e.d. en leert de voorwerpen ook op een juiste manier manipuleren. Kinderen die vb. een speelgoedstofzuiger hebben thuis leren die ook gebruiken voor de juiste handelingen. Opmerkelijk hierbij is wanneer oudere kleuters door hebben dat bepaald speelgoed niet voldoet aan de werkelijkheid. Vbn. hierbij: een auto waarbij de deurtjes niet open kunnen, een pop waarvan de benen niet kunnen plooien of een brandweerman waarbij de hoed ontbreekt. Kinderen met autisme kunnen op deze foutjes sterk gefixeerd worden en zo heel wat stress ondervinden. Het kind met autisme die dan ook nog eens een type 2-kind is, kan heel wat moeite ondervinden met het benoemen van speelgoed of het herkennen ervan. Soms weten ze niet waarvoor iets dient of wat ze ermee kunnen doen. Ze kunnen zich moeilijker bezig houden met het materiaal. Op die manier wordt de cognitie ook niet of weinig gestimuleerd en leert het kind geen verbanden leggen. Dit kan erg nadelig worden naar de zelfstandigheid toe in de toekomst. Bij het spel wordt ook de motoriek verbeterd. Het kind moet zich verplaats om iets te grijpen, het springt, loopt, manipuleert, kleurt, . zowel fijne, grove als gerichte motoriek worden gestimuleerd. Geà ¯llustreerd met enkele voorbeelden zoals juffrouw spelen en garagist zien we dat het kind veel in beweging is. Het deelt boekjes en potloden uit of rijdt met autootjes rond. De juf zal op het bord iets schrijven (grove kleutertekening) en de garagist zal zijn autos mooi parkeren in de garage. Het kind leert doegericht te bewegen om autos te nemen en mooi te plaatsen waar het wil. Het voorbereidend schrijven kan deels geoefend worden door het eerste voorbeeld. Net zoals bij de stimulatie van de cognitie zien we ook bij de motoriek dat het kind met autisme geremd wordt. Het doelbewust bewegen verloopt niet vlot of levert weinig resultaat op. Het kind weet niet goed wat te doen of weet met zichzelf geen houding te nemen. Daarbij komt dat er veel kleuters met autisme zijn die ook een motorische beperking hebben. Naast de voorgaande worden ook heel wat sociale vaardigheden geoefend tijdens het spel. Het kind leert vriendjes in het spel betrekken, het leert met andere woorden samen spelen. Het kind moet materiaal gaan delen of leert vragen naar speelgoed. Het leert vriendjes maken, leert fair zijn tegenover andere kinderen, communicatie wordt geoefend en het kind leert zichzelf uiten tegenover anderen. Onder communicatie kunnen we het taalbegrip situeren, maar ook het durven aanspreken van anderen, de mimiek en andere lichaamstaal. De kleuter leert het aangeleerd gewenst gedrag stellen tegenover andere kleuters. Ook op dit punt kunnen we enkele zaken opmerken bij de kleuter met autisme. De sociale vaardigheden laten vaak te wensen over. Het kind is niet in staat om op een normale manier contact te maken. Het weet zich niet op een gepaste manier te gedragen. Soms blijft de spraak ook uit, wat het allemaal nog moeilijker maakt. Het kind kijkt een ander bijna niet aan, kan zich moeilijk verplaatsen in wat die andere wil en kan zichzelf moeilijk duidelijk maken. Het contact nemen verloopt niet spontaan en is eerder aangeleerd of gekopieerd van volwassenen en andere kinderen. Naast deze punten is het fantasiespel noodzakelijk voor de ontwikkeling van het probleemoplossend vermogen. Ik gebruik het woord noodzakelijk a.d.h.v. volgende veelzeggende voorbeelden. Willen we nu even de foutjes van bij de cognitieve stimulatie nemen, dan merken we op dat het kind met een normale ontwikkeling deze gemakkelijk oplost. Het beeld zich in dat de deurtjes van de wagen wà ©l open gaan en dat er passagiers instappen, het denkt zelf een hoed op de brandweerman of verzint er een verhaaltje bij over een erge wind waardoor de brandweerman zijn hoed verloren is. Deze aspecten zijn helemaal niet storend voor het kind met een normale ontwikkeling. Het kan deze tekortkomingen gemakkelijk oplossen met wat fantasie. Deze fantasie is ook bij de meeste spelletjes aanwezig. Vb. postbode spelen, het kind verplaatst zich in de postbode en gebruikt een creatieve manier van denken om het spel in gang te steken. Het gebruikt papiertjes en krabbelt er wat op om brieven te hebben, het pla kt er stickers op als postzegels en stempelt met een stempel van op papas werk. Een ander voorbeeld is wanneer het kind het spel van garagist projecteert naar zichzelf. Het kind wordt zelf de garagist en speelt niet met een figuurtjes met deze rol. De driewieler wordt een splinternieuwe auto of een supersnelle moto. Het voorstellingsvermogen werkt voortdurend. Bij het kind met autisme verloopt dit echter terug heel wat moeilijker. Het kind beschikt niet over dit probleemoplossend vermogen en kan zo geen spel starten. Het botst op problemen die het niet weet op te lossen. Het kind lijkt steeds naar een uiterste toe te gaan. Enerzijds merken we kleuters op die geen rol van een ander op zich kunnen nemen. Ze kunnen zich als het ware niet inleven in die andere persoon. Ze weten niet hoe die denkt of kan denken en wat de andere voelt. Anderzijds zijn er ook kinderen die in het fantasiespel niet kunnen begrenzen. Ze verplaatsen zich in een ander maar nemen dit zo sterk op dat ze er zelf in gaan geloven en kunnen op die manier moeilijk terug afstand van die rol nemen. Spelen is ook goed voor de zelfontplooiing. De kleuter legt onbewust de eigen ervaringen in het spel, het speelt vb. een situatie uit de klas na. Het kind kan vb. straf gekregen hebben van de juf omdat het fout gedrag stelde en geeft dan in het spel ook straf aan een kind. Het is natuurlijk mogelijk dat de jonge kleuter nog niet goed beseft of gewoon niet meer weet waarom het straf geeft. Dit ontwikkeld zich meer naarmate de kleuter ouder wordt. Spelen is dus belangrijk bij de verwerking van dingen. Daarnaast wordt de persoonlijkheidsontwikkeling ook gestimuleerd op vlak van het eigen kennen en kunnen. Het kind leert het eigen lichaam kennen en krijg een zelfbeeld. Het zelfbesef zorgt ervoor dat het kind in staat is om zijn eigen grenzen te leren kennen en daarmee om te gaan. Het kind weet wat het kan en wat niet en probeert het kunnen uit te breiden of legt er zich bij neer dat het nog te klein is voor bepaalde dingen. Het kind leert als het ware omgaan met frustraties. Verder leert het kind ook zaken plannen en organiseren. Het maakt vb. alles klaar voor het spel winkeltje. Het maakt afspraken over wat er te koop zal zijn en wat niet. Het leert beslissingen nemen en inzicht krijgen in het belang ervan. Het kind wordt steeds zelfstandiger in het denken en doen. Kinderen met autisme zijn erg beperkt in het spel waardoor ook de zelfontplooiing deels geremd zal worden. Het verwerken van negatieve of positieve ervaringen verloopt vaak moeilijk omdat ze niet over het vermogen beschikken om te spelen. Ze kunnen moeilijker dingen een plaats geven in hun persoonlijkheid. Ze leven meer in een eigen wereld en nemen de wereld rondom hen niet zo nauw waar. Ze willen alles constant houden en verleggen weinig grenzen. Ze kunnen zichzelf moeilijker stimuleren in het ontdekken van nieuwe dingen. Dit alles maakt het voor de kleuter met autisme heel wat moeilijker om te leven in onze wereld. Belangrijk aandachtspunt bij het spelen bij kinderen met autisme is dat het spelen in het MPIGO op een lager niveau plaatsvindt daar de kinderen met autisme heel wat problemen ondervinden op de verschillende vlakken. Vanwege deze reden wil ik het spelen ook tijdens het aanbrengen van rekenvoorwaarden gaan aanbrengen. Het is de bedoeling dat ze iets mee kunnen nemen naar huis (in gedachten) en dus gaan leren spelen. Praktijkgedeelte In het MPI Sterrebos Het MPI Sterrebos besteedt zeer veel aandacht aan een goede aanpak voor kinderen met autisme. Dit is echter niet zo vanzelfsprekend. Geen enkel kind met autisme is gelijk aan een ander. Er wordt voor elk kind een behandelingsplan opgesteld, afhankelijk van de behoeften van het kind. Structuur blijft doorheen alle schooljaren een belangrijk punt waar steeds opnieuw aan gewerkt wordt. Dit om de ontwikkelingskansen van elk kind maximaal te benutten. Er wordt steeds een evenwicht gezocht tussen hoofd-hart-handen zodat een realistisch beeld gevormd kan worden over de eigen mogelijkheden en om tot de aanvaardig van de eigen ik te komen. Dit gebeurt d.m.v. cognitieve, affectieve en psychomotorische vorming. Nog een belangrijk punt is de stimulering van de nieuwsgierigheid. Het MPI biedt de kinderen ruime activiteiten aan en beschikt over heel wat materiaal om nieuwsgierigheid uit te lokken. Dit kan leiden tot een betere ontwikkeling van de intellectuele mogelijkheden. De kleuters die moeilijkheden ervaren worden steeds individueel benaderd om deze in de mate van het mogelijke te verhelpen. Naast deze individuele benaderingen zorgt het MPI Sterrebos ook voor speelleerklassen: kleine structuurklassen die via spelen de kinderen iets bijbrengen. Goede leer- en werkattitudes (zoals vb. taakgerichtheid, afwerking, tempo, ) worden geà ¯ntegreerd als voorbereiding op een volgend leerjaar. Dit is ook nodig om de wiskundige aspecten te bevorderen. In de structuurklassen wordt er typologie-overkoepelend gewerkt. Deze aangepaste manier van onderwijs is nodig om te leren omgaan met de triade van communicatieproblemen, het sociaal anders zijn en problemen met verbeelding. Kinderen met autisme zijn vooral visuele denkers, vandaar dat het MPI zeer veel werkt met pictogrammen en andere visualisaties. Om de kinderen zo goed mogelijk te onderwijzen is de aanpak van het MPI gestoeld op het TEACCH-programma. Verschillende ontwikkelingstypes bij de kleuter met autisme Bij kleuters met autisme in het MPI komen vooral type 2 en type 4 voor. Kleuters van het type 2 kinderen zijn kinderen met een matige tot ernstige mentale retardatie. Ze hebben een IQ tussen 50 en 20. Kleuters van het type 4 zijn kleuters met motorische problemen, maar bij kinderen met autisme zijn die vaak psychomotorisch ten gevolge van hun autisme. Op de kleuterleeftijd kan nog geen type 1 vastgesteld worden, vandaar dat er enkel over type 2 gesproken wordt bij de kleuterleeftijd. Pas op latere leeftijd (lagere schoolkind) kan er meer gespecificeerd worden naar type 1 of type 2 na een intelligentietest. Deze typetoekenningen bij kleuters met autisme zijn vooral gebaseerd op die van het MPI Sterrebos en kunnen in vergelijking met andere scholen dus verschillen. 2 Voorstelling MPI Sterrebos Het Medisch Pedagogisch Instituut Sterrebos is buitengewoon basisonderwijs van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap voor kinderen van kleuter- en lagere schoolleeftijd. Deze onderwijsvorm is aangepast voor kinderen die zich niet kunnen handhaven in het gewoon onderwijs. In het MPI worden deze kinderen extra begeleid. Het MPI biedt onderwijs op kleuter- en lager onderwijsniveau, voor kinderen van 3 tot 13 jaar. Er wordt ondersteuning geboden voor type 1, 2, 4, 8 en voor kinderen met autismespectrumstoornissen. Op kleuterniveau kunnen we enkel de types 2 en 4 aanduiden en ASS. Er is een aangepast project voor kinderen met autisme: De Leeuwtjes waarin getracht wordt het kind individueel te begeleiden met de nodige structuur en veiligheid. Het MPI werkt hiervoor multidisciplinair. Het onderwijs wordt steeds aangepast aan de opvoedingsbehoeften van de kinderen. Daarnaast is er het geà ¯ntegreerd onderwijs waarbij sprake is van tijdelijke of blijvende (re)integratie van leerlingen van het BSO. Dit gebeurd op kleuter- en lager onderwijsniveau. Vanuit het MPIGO wordt er orthodidactische en paramedische begeleiding geboden. Binnen het MPIGO is er speciale aandacht voor de sociale vaardigheden (ik en de andere) en de metacognitieve aspecten (via spelend leren). Er zijn enkele belangrijke benaderingswijzen opgesteld voor kinderen met autisme. De eerste is het helpen bij het inzicht krijgen van de autismespectrumstoornis. Daarvoor wordt een werkmap gebruikt van Peter Vermeulen -> -> boek ik ben speciaal psycho-educatie, leren inzicht krijgen in autisme. Door Sherborne-activiteiten wordt de bewustwording van het eigen lichaam en de ruimte rondom in de hand gewerkt. Deze activiteiten worden gegeven door de kinesiste die zich bijschoolde.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Comparing Barn Burning and Pauls Case :: comparison compare contrast essays

Barn Burning and Paul's Case The stories "Barn Burning" written by William Faulkner and "Paul's Case" written by Willa Cather both have two separate characters with very similar troubles. Each has a uniquely sad narrative. "Barn Burning" is a sad story because it not only shows the classical struggle between the underprivileged and the privileged classes, but also the struggle between a father and his son, Sarty. Together, these two boys share comparable lifestyles. Each has conflicts with his father, fantasize of a wealthier existence, and flee from the tribulations in his life. Sarty's main dilemma is his loyalty to his family, which collides with his disappointment and suppressed dislike for his own father. He tends to hide his feelings by denying the facts, "our enemy he thought in that despair: ourn! mine and his both! He's my father!" (Faulkner 171). Sarty appears to be fearful of his father: "If I would have said they wanted only truth, justice, he would have hit me again. But now he said nothing. He was not crying. He jut stood there." (Faulkner 173) In comparison, Paul and his father also have conflicts and Paul too seems to be afraid of his own father. He decides that he would much rather spend the night in the cellar of his house than go inside and face his father. Paul does not feel as much at home when he is at his father's house as he does at Carnegie Hall where he works as an usher and spends most of his time. Paul's teachers and his father believe his working at the theater affects his schooling. As a result, Paul's father takes him out of school and forces him to work for a company referred to only as the firm of Denny and Carson as an office boy. Paul's dream to live like the stars is taken away when his father forbids him to work, visit, or go anywhere near the theater. It is at Carnegie Hall that Paul became struck by the glitter and the starlight of the stage. He is not star struck in the sense that he wanted to perform in any way; he is simply content to observe others' performances.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Standing Alone Against the World in Ayn Rands The Fountainhead Essay

Standing Alone Against the World in Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead Conformity is a basic human characteristic that man spends a life time either fighting or accepting, but few can escape.   Parents, churches, schools, and communities teach that the path Peter Keating follows is the assured road to security and happiness.   Humans crave companionship and are willing to sacrifice their values, beliefs, and very souls for the satisfaction of superficial love.   Howard Roark demonstrates that true happiness comes from within, at the end of a wearisome road.   He confirms this ideal through exhaustible determination struggling from burdensome beginnings to almost unattainable goals without relenting to pressures from society.   This concept of non-conformity is exemplified throughout the novel.   It is most clearly defined in Howard's resolution to work for Henry Cameron, his rejection of the A.G.A., and the Cortlandt Housing project.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Howard Roark elucidates from the very beginning that he is going to work for Henry Cameron, a revolution considering Cameron's present state, or lack thereof.   Roark is laughed at for having such a fatuous goal but hardly notices the acrimonious criticism that follows him. Even Henry Cameron himself rebukes Howard Roarks efforts to study under him, and only relents to Howard's wishes after he feels that he can no longer bear to reject such talent.   The demonstration of drive and determination as well as defiance of basic rules of social structure make it difficult to not admire this aspiring architect.   It is clear at this point that Howard Roark is going to get what he wants, and he has no concern for what anyone else thinks of it. Roark establishes his own practice and has a conversatio... ...y and non-conformity is highlighted in the exchange between Peter Keating and Howard Roark on the A.G.A, as Howard has no intent of entertaining any such invitation and Peter can think of nothing sweeter.   Finally, Howard Roark reaches a pinnacle of non-conformity as he destroys the only hold society ever had on him, the Cortlandt Housing Project.   Howard Roark is a standard that one can strive towards, realistically, however, it would be almost impossible to follow in his footsteps.   Even in striving to reach his level one conforms to a set of idea, in a sense one conforms to non-conformity.   This novel illustrates in an effective manner that happiness must be reached through holding fast to one's own values.   Perhaps defying society is not the path many would choose, but Ayn Rand certainly presents a challenge to all in her message of   misery and happiness.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Indonesian Defense Strategy :: Indonesia Military Technology War Essays

Indonesian Defense Strategy A. Background Indonesian President Megawati Sukarnoputri signed a little-publicized deal at the end of April to purchase four Russia fighter jets and two helicopters as part of a much larger potential order. The decision to buy from Russia was a subject to a United States ban on military purchases; this marks a small but significant shift from Indonesia’s current dependence on United States’ military hardware. The Indonesian military is suffering from acute lack of supplies and parts for its heavy amour as well for light equipment. The United States’ imposed embargo on Indonesia since 1999 has rendered the country’s military equipment and apparatus partly redundant, leaving Indonesia, once a military might in the South East Asian region desperately behind its neighbors. The United States Congressional bans were first put in place in 1991 after the infamous Santa Cruz massacre of pro-independence civilian supporters in East Timor. They were further tightened in 1999, fol lowing the involvement of the Indonesian armed forces (Tentara Nasional Indonesia) in the rampages by pro-Jakarta militia in East Timor. This is not the first time that Indonesia turns to Russia for military hardware supports, as it matter of fact, history has recorded the rise and fall of Russian armaments in Indonesia as an inseparable part of the rise and fall of bilateral relationship between the two. From late 1950s to early 1960s, Indonesia was mainly dependent on Soviet’s arms. At that time Indonesia was in campaign for the reclaim of West Papua, consequently, it needed a large number of weaponry. But United States were reluctant to sell any to Indonesia, because it did not make any sense if they sell weapons that would be used to fight against Dutch, their own ally. Soviet, on the other hand, was being kind to give arms support that would be paid in long-term and low-interest rate debt. The military equipment received from Soviet, especially for the navy, was so enormous that Indonesia became on of the sea power of Asia. But then, relationships between the two got worsen in late 1960s, and Indonesia was having a hard time in maintaining its military power, particularly to keep up with the advance of military technology. Now, almost a half-century afterward, military friendship between Indonesia and Russia revived again. In time of need, Indonesia turns again to Russia. As it mater of fact, Indonesia is facing a hard time dealing with United States’ military embargo.

How to Write a Critical Essay on Film Essay

1. The introduction includes the name of the movie and the director’s name. 2. The introduction identifies the thesis, or focus, of the analysis. 3. The Ideas presented are supported with details from the movie. 4. Supporting materials are smoothly incorporated into the sentences. 5. In writing this critical analysis, the writer has considered purpose and audience. 6. The conclusion brings the essay to a definite close. 7. The paragraph is relatively free of errors in spelling, grammar, usage, mechanics, and manuscript form. Sample Outline for a Critical Essay The following is a basic outline of a critical essay, the kind that might be written in a composition, literature, or film class. in this case, the writer is analyzing the meaning of particular symbols in a short story and film. Keep in mind that this is only one kind of possible organization; there are several ways to structure an essay effectively. Outlines can also vary in the amount of detail. Always check with your instructor if you are unsure about the organization of your essay. Title: Symbols of Freedom in Stephen King’s story â€Å"Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption† and Frank Darabont’s film The Shawshank Redemption. Thesis Statement: In their different version of Shawshank Redemption, author Stephen King and director Frank Darabont make distinctions between freedom and captivity using a bird, a library, and a poster as symbols of freedom and justice. I. Introduction †¢The theme of freedom †¢Contrast freedom with the idea of unfair imprisonment †¢A bird, a library, and a poster as symbols of the human spirit, longing for community, and rebirth II. The bird as the struggle of Andy Dufesne’s human spirit †¢Bird as a universal symbol of freedom †¢Ã¢â‚¬ Caging† the bird is a metaphor for Andy’s false imprisonment †¢Jake’s different fates in the book and the film: warning and hope III. The  library as a symbol for community †¢The library as a place of freedom within the prison †¢Represents Andy’s connection with his own intellectual society †¢The library as a connection between Andy and the other prisoners IV. The poster as a symbol of rebirth †¢The women on the posters represent the â€Å"outside† †¢The posters guard and protect Andy’s struggle for freedom †¢Andy must go through the poster to escape †¢The sewage pipe Andy crawls through is like a birth canal †¢Rita Hayworth is like a â€Å"mother† to Andy’s new life V. Conclusion †¢Andy’s freedom was stolen †¢Andy â€Å"steals† his freedom back †¢Andy’s escape is the ultimate triumph of the human spirit over injustice and inhumanity

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Consumer Behavior In The Fashion Industry Essay

Introduction This pick up is aimed at analyzing the decimater formulate towards the mould labor peculiarly in consideration 3-year-old and arise women in London. Fashions be soak up-to doe with with the increaseion of fashion app arl. Most consumers in the world directly be come to with the features of the overlap as they form ab let on(a) important factor in find out the consumer airs. Take for face of harvest-festivals of fashion envision for progeny and mature women. The indus correct out is relate in the manufacture clothing. Due to addition and growth of consumerism, the clothing should come up with clothes that sire women move with propagation so increasing function and crossroadion.Consumer demeanor in the automotive industry especi in ally in consideration to general motors is baffled by culture factors, social factors, Personal factors and mental factors.Look to a greater extent thanthe consumer acquire c be for begins when essayRESE ARCH OBJECTIVESThe answers to this question testament enhance my master copy knowledge and competence in more ways. As a professional I result compact wind factors influencing role in the industry and entrust enable me make trusty words on change the fashions market shargon.The answers to this question identicalwise de disunite assist me as a professional by motivating me to ensure that that I work improves their products.1)To review literature on fashion behaviour and the factors influencing2)To compargon and logical argument the ca-ca behaviour of mature and vernal cleaning woman in London regarding defileing of fashion clothing3)To identified the backb wholeness factors influencing the get process of fashion clothing in young and mature woman in London4)To offer up recommendation to manufacture of fashion clothing and fashion retailer.Scope of the postulateThe scoop of the pick out follows literature review of factors influencing. The look forer manages the completed gamut of processes from initial pose of identifying the problem to nett stage of report writing. The capabilities required by the investigator in this question in managing the entire chore and providing real clip for education sharing, decision synchronization and investigate optimization to all s grow holders. What are necessary attri plainlye required by a police detective to manage the kinetics of marketing based on the requirements by industry. However, this field of operation assumes that opposite factors vindicatedle family downplay financial, stability of the family place of birth, race, aim no impact on the consumer behaviors.The proposed study pass on be employ as a supplementary framework to focus only on the competence of the look for. The objects of the study lead includeExperimentalCorrelation resumeGrounded theoryEthnographyNarrative mingled modeAction research.This study go forth be based on a process based on experiment victimi zation practicals as a platform to ramp up rule which volition be used as evaluation criteria for the research and tec in this research question and future tecsThe comminuted reviewLiterature reviewConsumer behavior in the consumption of any product any where in the world is influenced by culture factors, social factors, Personal factors and psychological factors.Culture factorsIn world today culture is one of the around unsounded determinants for one when deciding the product to consume. This is because of a wide range of products and services. Most of the flock due to their cultural influence relieve oneself started likering authorized products. Children growing up testamenting learn the culture of parents or peers thus takering special set that are critical to a determining consumption. One of the values they like close to(prenominal) is comfort. These values special K in sisterren re of import in them until now if they grow up.From the culture, any(prenom inal)body whitethorn develop certain spending patterns is not well-nighthing strange. A child growing up in circumstantial culture is exposed to achievement, success, principles and other cultural factors that influence behavior towards consumption. pagan factors real influence a consumer behavior. Where community believe in values like efficiency and practicality it leave influence their consumption is such a situation products that are know to be truly postgraduate-octane in their operations bequeath be preferent.Each culture consists of smaller subcultures that put up more specific identifications. To its several(prenominal) hoi polloi consist of racial groups such as the Africans, Americans, Europeans and Asian each have beloved distinct cultural styles. They are known to prefer products for fashion model consumption of pork may be rare in middle east because culture and religion. loving factorAnother factors consumer behavior is greatly influenced by social fac tors like statuses, family and lineament groups. When formerly goes to the market to purchase a product he result take consideration to his membership groups, social rank and family. These are groups having direct influence to in one case deprave decisions. These are the groups one associates with most of his date.We have near groups like the stop number class prefer acquire almost products which are not preferred by lower class. Since companies produces many types of products that fulfill necessitate this groups and attracts many the great unwashed. The influence of a family is actually great. These families apply specifics defects greatly encourage their family members to as well consume similar products. Co-worker in any case influence ones buying decision. If a boss buys a deliberate commodity the juniors go away as well as try to buy the same. pot are excessively influenced by role groups in three ways. extension groups usually expose a person to a new be havior and heartstyle. One can travel to a group whose lifestyle believes at consuming a certain product. If a telephoner produces high quality brands it stands at a better chance of making more sales to such reference group. Reference groups in like manner influence ones attitudes because their desires fit in these groups.People may prefer some products from a certain company, hence once could like to occasion his friend or family member towards be to the same social class by buying a that product. Also reference groups influence similarity and conformity that may make a person to hot at a specific decision. So doing one lead eventually buy a product similar to that of his friend.People who are in the same social class share similar values, interests, and behavior. For example there is upper class mickle who are social elite with a good family background.Personal factorsAge and life cycle stage greatly influence consumer buying behavior of almost all products from all in dustries. Most Bachelors tend to prefer specific brands associated by most youths. that those who are newly married, young and better of financially prefer buying consume divergent products.In making the last-place exam decision of buying a product ones personal characteristics like his age and life-cycle stage, lifestyle, occupation, economic quite a little and temperament give influence his choice. Companies take over practically consideration to personal characteristics of various(a) groups of bulk before coming up with a product in pasture to fit out the needs and demand of its wad.A child growing up and exposed to some values like material comfort, foreign comfort and achievement and success impart be influenced by those characteristics to consume.For example in America wad like buying products that gives them external comfort.People in various professions like occupation managers, school heads, superior government officers, mayors, engineers, lawyers and physic ians usually buy some products with the most recent technology.Economic circumstances also influence once buying pattern. Most people especially those who are highly paid with good bringing and with good personnel incomes buy overpriced products.The lifestyle of a person influences his or her buying pattern. People may belong to the same occupation, social class and subculture merely leading different lifestyles usually prefer products that feed that group.Personality and egotism-concept Personality and self confidence also influence consumers buying behavior products and services. For example expensive car, which are electronically controlled and having four wheel push back systems are associated with people who have high Self-confidencePsychological factorsMotivation some people get satisfied when they buy specific products. people feel that they have satisfied specific needs by buying certain goods and services.Perception once a person has been motivated he is giveing and r eady to act. Most people to be motivated in order to act volition depend loosely on their perceptions of the situation. Two people in the same motivated state may act differently depending on how they see the situation. A product may solicitation to the perception of a specific customer. For example various colors that cars are winning giving customers a good ascertain of the real quality of this car.Beliefs and attitudes most people follow some set of impression when making a decision on the type of product to consumer.A belief about a certain product lead also influence consumption. These beliefs make up brand images and most people have been proved to act on these images.People unceasingly have good attitude towards specific products and if this product meets the motion according to the needs, desire and attitudes consumption leaveing be influenced.METHODOLOGYThe get of the study is to find out factors that influence fashion consumption in UK. The phenomenological res earch determination that lead be used entrust involve a study of the consumer behaviors and consumption in fashion industry. This circumstance study entrust be through with(p) in two phases where the starting line phase exit involve completion of a questionnaire which is commonly known as a questionnaire espouse by individuals. This questionnaire measure will be done on a example of xx fashion convey owners inside London . And the second phase will involve the use of some converse which will be in some way cheat coordinate. Each condition phase in this design will address the different research questions and their concerns. At some point within the first-class honours degree phase, there will be cases of the first soft phase relying on the some quantitative phases that might have been in use in the design.The interviews that will be used in the design will be carried out in a archetype of twenty fashion show owners. The interviews will table service to give out info concerning buying behaviors among women. These surveys will therefrom give some contextual culture about the consumption of a specific fashion. most studies will be conducted using single stage designs and others like this one will be conducted using the two-stage design. When using the two stage design, the contextualization that will be given in the first stage will be very much helpful (Jasper, 1994).The survey will provide a specific frame for which taste will be done from for the semi structured interviews that will be done on the fashion operators and buyers. And gaining access to the twenty fashion owners will be very essential to getting the right cultivation concerning the consumption of fashion among young and mature women from the sampled group of a given part of city which will be a representation of the whole commonwealth of the young and mature.The given questionnaires will have the contacts so that the used sample can be contacted incase more entropy will be needed. The quantitative data that will be gotten from the phase of questionnaire survey will now be used to get through to the soft sample. The questionnaire surveys have always been made with the above additional purpose in principal.In the cases where one detective will have to make attachments of qualitative sub samples to samples that will be statistically derived will lead to another miscellaneous order of designs in qualitative research methods (George, 2000). Such mixed methods of designs will most of the time benefit the qualitative researchers in that they give them the chance to have a selection of the specific cases from which they will be able to d stark(a) upon information that will be contextual that will also enable them to put their hypothesis under(a) test on a fully grown samples that will be statistically be represented. on that pointfore in most cases, the researcher will have to be contumacious on which research design he will use in his project. S ome researchers do use multiple designs period others will use single designs. This stringently depends on the project that one is doing and which research design the researcher will be most comfortable with.There are three major components in a research design model and they are determination of the limits of the people to be investigated and also what will be investigated, the collection of data and the termination component is the analysis of the store data in a phenomenological manner. In the first component, the researcher will have to know to what limits the participants in the survey will get in nerve-racking to give him the required information.Here the researcher will have to put in mind the limits of the twenty fashion owners in trying to give him information as far as matters of fashion consumption. In addition, the researcher will have to have specific issues which he would want to research on (Joan, 2004). At this point in time, the researcher will have to carry ou t his project purely on the guard of the crane operators. In trying to get information, the phenomenologist will have to engage himself in an in-depth probing so that quality information may be found.After identifying the sample group that will help in giving the required information, the pastime feel will now involve identifying the most efficient data collection methods. The following methods will be the most preferred methods for this particular survey the in-depth semi structured interviews that will have to be tape measure recorded and later on be transcribed.The second data collection method will be the use of a documentary study from which the writings of the substance matter will have to be reviewed so that their meanings can be aright derived from them. This second method will be used hand in hand with the first method (Johnson, 2000). The third and the last data collection method will be the technique of the participant observation. This particular technique will lead to a generation of some kind of an interview. It will be worth noting that in phenomenological research tape recording is important because the tapes will later be transcribed.Sampling designs strategies in qualitative research.There are many different qualitative sampling designs that will be used at the different stages of the research or still they will be used for the different purposes of the research. There are those questions that the researchers should constantly be enquire themselves which will serve to give applicable information on the sampling dodging design that the researcher would have elect to use.It will be very polar for the researcher to give a clear definition of the objectives of the research. The time that will be spend making clarification with the lymph node will be a time that will be well spent (Kendy, 19976). Most of the times, in qualitative research, the objectives of the project might be refined as the research will keep on progressing.Sometimes the available resources will try to undermine the progress of a researchers project. This should be prevented to happen by considering the available human resources to the project at hand and also the nature of the method of data collection.The length of interview that is the qualitative interview will have a great impact on the qualitative sampling design strategy and the final decision of the given sample size. For congressman yearner interviews will provide comminuted data than shorter interviews. With this in mind a decision may be interpreted on whether to carry out longer or shorter interviews.The sampling size should also be put in mind. This will basically depend on the analogous or the heterogeneous nature of the population to be sampled and the requirements of the methods of the data collection that will be employed in this research.selective information analysisAfter the researcher will collect the data, she/he will tabulate the data into tables and analyze it using f requencies descriptive and percentages.The processing of the survey results.The processing of the survey results need not to wait until has been completed, but can begin as briefly as the first questionnaires are received. The main bills areCoding. Nowadays the calculator is used widely to process information. For that curtilage it is frequently advisable to code the information or even use a preceded questionnaire to facilitate the necessary processing and calculations.Punching. afterward the information can be punched for figurer purposes.Data tabulation. With the aid of a computer, raw tables may be compiled. These tales are often only preliminary and may serve as guidelines for pull ahead analyses and condensed into possibly more meaningful tables.Statistical processing. With the previous step as a basis the information can be processed further until it yields objectives and clear answers to the problem or probability which is being investigated.REFERENCESAaker, D.A., Ke ller, K.L. (2000), Consumer evaluations of brand extensions, Journal of marketing, Vol. 54 pp.27-41. Bloom P.N. and Greyser S. A. (1981) The Maturity of Consumerism Harvad Business Review, Nov-Dec. 1981 pp 130-139)Charles, K. (1990). Methods used in Research. Social Science, 29(10), 1160-1178.Cole Gerald 2004 attention theory and practice 6th Edition, TJ International, fatten up stow, Cornwall.Creswell, J. (1998). Guidelines to choosing the best research design. Phenomenology, 34, 234-245.Dacin, P.A., Smith, D.C. 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